The Academic Events Group, 5th Cyprus International Conference on Educational Research,

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The influence of the media in publicizing violence
Maria Claudia Cuc

Last modified: 2016-02-27


Problem Statement:

In an informational society a challenge for the teacher is the amplification of violence among students, but also knowledge of the phenomenon that leads to the appearance of barriers and blockages in didactic communication.

Purpose of Study:

Motivation of the theme is centered on the applicative dimension, on efficient ways of forming a set of axiological, moral and social criteria as priority finality of formal education so that they become essential coordinates of informal education of pupils and a foundation for lifelong learning.

Research Methods:

In the research were used: written questionnaire-based survey method, semi-structured interview method, the method of research curriculum documents and other school documents, aiming to measure the results from a quantitative and qualitative perspective.


By reporting to the information obtained from a total of 150 of teachers in undergraduate education were outlined the study results: 74% of teachers found in the media a negative impact on this category of population because it influences the stimulation of various forms of deviant behavior among students.


The diagnostic study obtained allowed the formation of a set of axiological criteria, passed through the person's subjective filter and maintenance the formative effects in higher cognitive activity plan.


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