The Academic Events Group, 5th Cyprus International Conference on Educational Research,

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Student’s satisfaction in online courses: an study from a social cognitive perspective
María Cecilia Losano

Last modified: 2015-12-30


Research on factors that predicts satisfaction and, consequently, engagement in university students has received notable focus in recent years. Advances in instructional communication technology (ICT) have made possible to provide university education in a scalable way to students, especially through online courses. In an effort to balance the educational potential of online courses with engagement, which factors allow an optimal student’s satisfaction? The purpose of this presentation is to examine student’s satisfaction from a social cognitive perspective, analyzing perceived barriers, self-efficacy, outcome expectations and positive effects (Lent, 2011). These variables were analyzed using structural equation modeling. We used the maximum likehood method due to his efficiency and less biased with normally distributed data. The model has proven highly predictive. We discuss implications for educational practice and we give some recommendations to improve technological satisfaction for university on line students.

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