The Academic Events Group, 5th Cyprus International Conference on Educational Research,

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Influence of Website Quality, Perceived Value, and Satisfaction on Continuance Intention to Use of E-Learning
Mahendra Adhi Nugroho, Diana Rahmawati, Muhammad Andryzal Fajar

Last modified: 2016-01-25


The quality of information system (website) is predicted affecting the perceived value and users’ satisfaction which results in the intention to continue using the system. This research try to determine the effects of service quality on perceived value, quality system on satisfaction, information quality on perceived value, information quality on satisfaction, service quality on perceived value, service quality on satisfaction, perceived value on satisfaction, perceived value on continuance intention to use, and satisfaction on continuance intention to use.

The research samples were teaching staffs in a public university who were using E-Learning in the learning process and were taken using purposive random sampling technique. A sample of 44 respondents was processed using Partial Least Square (PLS) approach.

The results suggest that the system quality has a positive effect on perceived value (H1), is not supported by t value of 3.2 (> 1.96) but has a negative effect direction. The system quality has a positive effect on satisfaction (H2), supported by t values of 6.26 (> 1.96). The information quality has a positive effect on perceived value (H3), supported by t value of 12.8 (> 1.96). The information quality has a positive effect on satisfaction (H4), supported by t value of 3.65 (>1.96). The services quality has a positive effect on perceived value (H5), not supported by the t value of 0.67 (<1.96). The services quality has a positive effect on satisfaction (H6), not supported by the t value of 0.58 (<1.96). The perceived value has a positive effect on satisfaction (H7), supported by t value of 9.94 (> 1.96). The perceived value has a positive effect on continuance intention to use (H8), not supported by the t value of 0.09 (<1.96). The perceived value has a positive effect on continuance intention to use (H9), is supported by t value of 11.62 (> 1.96)

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