Last modified: 2016-04-04
Thepurpose of theresearch is theexaminationandcomparison of theleadershipconcept of thestudents at thepre-schoolandthephysicaltrainingteachingdepartments. LeadershipBehaviourDedcriptionScale (LBDS) will be used as a means of datacollection. Themethod of description is a researchapproachaimingtodescribe a previoiscaseorstillexisting at present.
Themethod of description is a researchapproachaimingtodescribe a previouscaseorstillexisting at present. Theevent of theresearch is generallytriedto be described as theexistance in itsowncircumstances. Theefforttochangeoraffecttheevent is neverperformed.Thematter is toknowwhat is desiredwithobservation.
Thepopulation of theresearchconsists of thestudentsattendingthePhysical Training and Sports Department of Gazi University, andthesample of it will be theequalamounts of twodepartmentswith a total number of 200 voluntarystudents.
Thedataobtainedfromthegroup of researchhavebeenanalysedwiththehelp of a statisticalpackage program.