The Academic Events Group, 5th Cyprus International Conference on Educational Research,

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Economy Students’ Scaffolding Understanding of Inverse Functions: Logartihm and Exponential Function Case
Şule Şahin

Last modified: 2016-02-29



Student performance in economics highly rely on the  homogeneous combination of graphs and literacy. Students have problems with understanding graphs of functions and narrative texts to enhance basic mathematical concepts and to adopt them in economy. This paper draws from part of a qualitative case study which analyzed the  economy students’ understanding of inverse functions, basicly logarithm and expoential functions. Ten  freshman students with highest scores who take Mathematics II course in their second semester are choosen according to their grades in Mathematics I course. These 10 students are given prose texts in economy related to interest concept and we investigated students’ strategies that scaffold by using four resources model of literacy education (Freebody, 1992, Freebody&Luke,1990,2003): code breaking, meaning making, text using and critical analysing.

Key words: Teaching mathematics in economy, inverse functions, scaffolding, logarithm and exponential function.



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