The Academic Events Group, 5th Cyprus International Conference on Educational Research,

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Effects of Multimedia Videos Designed For Computer Package Software Training on Learning
Murat YALMAN, Bulent BASARAN, Selahattin GONEN

Last modified: 2016-03-27


Use of videos as multimedia materials in class and integration of these materials into education increase the quality of education. This study was conducted with 219 students attending the departments of Elementary School Teaching and Pre-School Teaching at Education Faculty in the academic year of 2011-2012. In order to determine their level of background knowledge, the students were given an achievement pre-test regarding educational subjects. The test questions prepared by the Ministry of Education and private courses given by companies like European Computer Driving License (ECDL) and Microsoft were used to determine the students’ levels of knowledge about the package software regarding which training would be given. The results of the study revealed that the courses given using multimedia videos were more successful than those given based on traditional methods. However, 95% of the students stated that they preferred multimedia videos prepared by their teachers regarding the subjects to be taught. Of all the students, 87% of them reported that the multimedia videos had positive influence on their success level in class and that these multimedia videos may not be sufficient enough for education purposes alone.

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