The Academic Events Group, 5th Cyprus International Conference on Educational Research,

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The Perception on Advantages and Disadvantages of Mobile Learning: A Case on Prospective Instructional Designers
Zülfü Genç

Last modified: 2016-03-22


This study draws a full picture to investigate the development, practice of m-learning courseware and perspectives of instructional designer students’ on using a mobile learning application developed by the researcher in Firat University, Faculty of Education, Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technology. The developed mobile learning courseware environment was prepared according to the Computer Networks course content. Through the mobile learning environment established, the study attempted to answer to questions like in what stages of the education process mobile learning could be used, its advantages and disadvantages and students’ general opinion on mobile learning. The study participants were the 3rd year “Computer Education and Instructional Technology (CEIT)” students from Fırat University in Turkey (Female:54, Male:50, n=104) whose ages range from 19 to 25 with an average of 22. In this study a mixed-method research with triangulation design strategy was conducted for data collection and analysis. As a result of the research conducted, students agreed that there are four main advantages of mobile learning: access to course content without time and place limitation (mobility), improve interaction between student-student and student-instructors, student centered learning and accessibility. At the end of an analysis of content, students’ negative opinions on mobile learning were gathered into 4 main groups: technical challenges, social and educational challenges, cost challenges and some health challenges. In addition, approximately 50% students believe that mobile learning is supportive to the teaching-learning process, and 17.57% see it as being complementary.

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