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The New Media Language and Photography Education
Ata Yakup KAPTAN

Last modified: 2014-03-20



Humankind, from seeing his shadow on a cave’s wall when he invented the fire to the current hologram technologies, has always chased the image. At first Camera Obcura then photo camera and film, digital technologies and now, as understood from its name, the new image making techniques provided by the new media. Among these image making techniques, the only thing that never changed from the primitive age to present day is “Image Aesthetics”.

Considering the sosiologic structure that he exists in, modern human lives in two kinds of nature:


One of them is the nature which he feels with his five senses. That is the world which he can touch, smell, see, hear and taste; the world we exist in.

The other world is the virtual world (the internet), where we all spend  a lot time in, and make philosophical talks about its reality. A world where we can not touch but can send poke; we can not smile but can send smiley J; we can do shopping and where we do the most of the communication needed in current life.


There is only one universal language that can transport the real world to the virtual world: that is image. Spending a little time of their lives in bus stops, works, metro and many other places, not to able to read long texts and not to now every languages direct people to one language: The Language of the Image (Language of pgotography). Especially all the new media platforms emerged lately, like instagram, twitter, facebook etc. are working on the language of potography. There for, the people who can understand the language (the grammer), plastic, structurel characteristics and conceptual structure of the image, will be able to express themselves better. They will not only improve their visual literacy but also become the best speaking people of this new world.


This research aims to teach this language in all the areas of education, from primary school to university, to make people express themselves better in the world of future and develop awareness.

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