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A Quick Evaluation Approach to Learning Management System Selection
YALIN KILIC TUREL, Muhammad Muhammad Inuwa

Last modified: 2017-03-24


Technology growth and acceptance is quite overwhelming and time and space are the major concern of technology advancement. Furthermore, Learning Management Systems (LMS) are one of the technology advances that efficiently and effectively utilizes the time and space complexity. As the technology keep advancing also the users keep looking for the best way of evaluating the technology to use for the daily routine. This article portrayed an effective way of evaluation and selection of LMS, which will give the user a quick access to the best usable LMS and minimize the rate of failure and dissatisfaction. The paper reviewed the generic process of evaluating educational applications and LMS and regroup variables used in evaluating LMS at selection phase. The regrouped variables are; System Specification; Maintenance, Support, and Services; Learning Tools and Method; Flexibility; and Security. The regrouping is aim at providing first glance unambiguous information to the user by categorizing the basic functions needed to consider for evaluation, also providing an easy quick way of evaluating the LMS without getting much confused of the functions during evaluation and selection. Five LMSs were selected using the LMS’s usage statistics and their rating, lastly, the proposed parameters of evaluation was used in evaluating those selected LMSs, which shows the power of cost that drive through the process of LMS selection by the intending organization.