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Internet Freedom within the framework of Democracy and Human Rights Education: “Freedom House?” and the USA Example
Ayhan Dolunay, Gökçe Keçeci

Last modified: 2017-06-28



Similar to various disciplines, there have been significant changes and developments in the communication domain within the first quarter of 21st century. The use of internet, which is considered as a vital communication tool during the millennium and following years called as “digital information communication era/digital era” has become popular and gone through development and change. Such change has led a change in the concept of “new media” and extended its scope in the way to cover the concept of social media; and thus the internet has become essential due to its features of information access and socialisation.

Consequently, in addition to its benefits, the “harms” also has turned into an issue that is subject to the analysis as much as the legal responsibility dimension of the concept has become significant. Within this perspective, various countries around the world have started to use different practices in the access and use in terms of political and legal aspects. Particularly, “the internet censorship” is very vital in the determination of limits since crossing the lines might damage the fundamental principles in the disciplines of human rights and democracy. An American origin, The Freedom House organisation, which conducts regular studies to identify the status of relevant limitations as well as the internet freedoms, and publishes reports accordingly, is a leading supervisory organisation when it comes to “the freedoms” worldwide.

Based on the independency of analysis conducted in various countries by the Freedom House on the practices of the countries from the international political and economic perception and channelling at the bottom of political rights and human rights; at the specific level, this study assesses the analysis of Freedom House conducted for the USA in different periods within the framework of decisions of American courts and statements of politicians; and in general, this study would discuss the possibility of maintaining its activities in an independent structure. This study has a multi-disciplinary nature with the educational sciences due to using fundamental principles under the human rights and democracy education; with the jurisprudence due to the assessment of legal arrangements used for the internet censorship as given in other geographical examples and particularly USA example and the analysis of related court decisions; with the political sciences due to regulating the subject and the preparation of related laws by the parliament and interpretation of the issue by the politicians frequently and with the communication science as the internet concept is a basic communication tool. Additionally, pursuant to the data collected in relation with all disciplines, the status of internet freedom in the USA, which is indicated in the reports of Freedom House as one of the most free countries, and the objectivity analysis of the Freedom House would be performed with the content analysis method.

Keywords: Human Rights, Democracy, Internet Freedom, Censorship, Freedom House, USA.



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