The Academic Events Group, 9th World Conference on Educational Sciences

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New Approaches to University Curriculum Design in Russia
Julia Lopukhova, Julia Lopukhova, Elena Makeeva

Last modified: 2017-03-30


This study looks some years ahead and analyse trends that are already shaping the future of education in Russia.

The research explores the key challenges to Russian Society – how to transform education systems to respond effectively to global XXI century needs and aspirations. Today, high schools have to prepare students for more rapid economic and social change than ever before, for jobs that have not yet been created, to use technologies that have not yet been invented, and to solve social problems that we don’t yet know will arise.

Educational system in Russia, known as ‘knowledge-oriented’, has traditionally been centered on content. University graduates, being narrowly focused specialists, were not able to adapt themselves easily to different work environments. Now the educational system needs fundamental reforms to allow a better combination of academic and vocational training.

Education goals, standards, and curricula is the focus of our work, as we are sure that it is the job of standards and curricula to instill the competencies necessary for people to choose content that has depth, and to approach it intelligently. We’d like to realign education goals, standards, and curricula to reflect our changing knowledge and the dynamic transformations happening in our world.

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