Last modified: 2017-01-02
This study aims to explore Taiwanese bullying cases in academia in the recentdecade from the theoretical aspect of Metalogy to decompose the introspection oftransformation and Innovation that brings to Taiwanese higher education system. Thisstudy proceeds with the analyzing approach of literature review incorporated with thequalitative research methods. The literature materials mainly come from news reportsand official documents of bullying cases in Taiwanese higher education in the past tenyears (from 2006 to 2016). This study also adopts computer assisted qualitativeanalyzing software, NVivo11, to process and analyze the qualitative characters anddata through three stages.The results of this study include three folds. Respectively they are: First, thephenomena and real cases of academic bully do exist in Taiwanese higher educationthere is a raising trend in cases along years. Second, when the existing bullyingphenomena and cases go through the analysis from the Metalogically theoreticalaspect, Anti-metalogic thinking which is under Janusian thinking surfaces. This isworth paying attention to and taking precautions for the administrators of variouslevels in higher education. Third, in the wave of transformation and innovation inhigher education, people should cautiously take precautions against those who arerelatively powerful, such as president, dean, departmental director, and committeemembers of all levels to commit real bullies in academia by means of the excuse ofacademic autonomy by University Law.