Call for Papers

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to submit proposals for the “12th World Conference on Business, Economics and Management (WCBEM-2024)” which will take place on January 18-20, 2024, Antalya, Turkey.

The aim is to bring together the business, economics, managements, accounting, marketing, banking and finance scientists, faculties, business man, accouter, managers, scholars, researchers and students from all areas of economics sciences with the missiontobecome an International Forum, where, civil society organization and representative, academics and researchers - from all over the world - could meet in and exchange ideas to share and to discuss theoretical and practical knowledge about economics sciences in the scientific environment.

This year, the organization committee decided the main theme is  "The United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals".

  • Articles selected by the editors of the journals supporting the conference will be invited to the journal's review process.
  • The Remain accepted full papers will be published as proceedings by International Leading Publishers and also submitted to SCOPUSEBSCO, and Thomson Reuters Conference Proceedings Citation Index – CPCI (ISI Web of Science) for evaluation for inclusion in the list.

Beside these, there are keynote speakers including the latest development, and workshops. You also have chance to discuss about your works which you want to publish with the editors of the most respectable journals of the world, and get warm connection with them.

Let’s meet in Antalya, Turkey.

Best Regards,

Prof. Dr. Andreea Claudia Serban, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania

Program Chair


Submissions for this conference were closed on 2024-01-11.