The scope of the conference includes, but is not limited to; the following major topics as they relate to the Educational Sciences:
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Educational Technology
- Educational Administration
- Guiding and Counseling
- Educational Planning
- Measurement and Evaluation in Education
- Learning Psychology
- Developmental Psychology
- Education and Culture
- Instructional Design
- Learning and Teaching
- Special Education
- Distance Education
- Life Long Learning
- Mathematic Education
- Social Sciences Teaching
- Science Education
- Language Learning and Teaching
- Human Resources in Education
- Teacher Training
- Pre-school Education
- Primary School Education
- Secondary School Education
- Vocational Education
- College and Higher Education
- Learner Needs in 21 Century
- The Role of Education in the Globalization World
- Human Rights Education
- Democracy Education
- Innovation and Changing in Education
- New Learning Environments
- Environmental Education
- Professional Development
- Creativity
- Nursery Education
- Healthy Education
- Sport and Physical Education
- Multi-cultural Education
- Mobile Learning
- Technology-Based Learning
- Music Education
- Art Education
- History Education

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