The scope of the conference will cover but not be limited to:
- Asynchronous Learning
- Learning and Content Management Systems
- Authoring Software
- Learning and Teaching With Technology
- Constructivist Perspectives
- Learning Objects
- Cooperative/Collaborative Learning
- Internet cafes and students
- Data Mining Strategies For ELearning Organizatins
- Learning Environments
- Diffusion of Innovation
- Learning Management Systems
- Distance and Open Learning Environments
- Learning styles
- Educational Technology & Globalization
- Lifelong learning
- Course Material Design
- Life Long Learning and Technology
- Virtual Education
- Mobile Learning
- Creativity and innovation in learning technology
- Multimedia Applications
- Ebooks
- Network Based Education and Training
- Education of Education Technology
- Pedagogical and Practical Issues
- Educational technology and research methods
- Professional Development & Teacher Training
- Engineering and Educational Technology
- Simulations In Education
- Hypermedia Applications
- Teaching/Learning Strategies
- ICT Literacy In Education
- Computer Games for Learning
- Improving Classroom Teaching
- Online lerarning
- Innovation and Change In Education
- Open users educational software
- Instructional Design
- Researches methods of the educational technology
- Intelligent ELearning Systems
- EPortfolios
- Intelligent Training Technology
- Social Shared sites (facebook, twitter, ….)and education
- Interactive ELearning Systems
- Special teaching area technology
- Interactive Learning Environment
- Human Resources In Educational Technology
- Knowledge Management In ELearning
- HumanComputer Interaction
- Virtual University

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