The scope of the conference includes, but is not limited to; the following major areas as they relate to Psychology, Counselling and Guidance.
- Clinical Psychology
- Developmental Psychology
- Social Psychology
- Experimental Psychology
- Industrial and Organization Psychology
- Traffic Psychology
- Forensic Psychology
- Psychometric Psychology
- Sports Psychology
- Health Psychology
- Educational Psychology
- Media Psychology
- Neuroscience Psychology
- Child and Adolescent Counselling
- Adult and Elder Counselling
- Family Counselling
- School Counselling
- Higher Education Counselling
- Health Counselling
- Crisis and Risk Counselling
- Occupational Counselling
- Industrial Counselling
- Cyber Counselling
- Psychology Education and Occupational Issues
- Inter-disciplinary approaches to Psychology, Counselling and Guidance
- Technology usage in Psychology, Counselling and Guidance
- Rehabilitation Counselling
- Special Education

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