Dear Colleagues
Thank you very much for you to participate the 4th World Conference on Learning, Teaching and Educational Leadership (WCLTA-2013) in Barcelona (Nicosia) in Spain.
The WCLTA-2013 Draft Programme is published in our conference management system. If your presentation is not available in the draft programme, or you may withdraw your paper, please send the name of your article and its authors'names and ID number to until 21 October 2013, 24:00 GMT+2. Your paper will take or out place in the programme in a short time.
Poster or Virtual Presentation
If you want to make POSTER or VIRTUAL PRESENTATION, please send us an email about your presentation type until 21 October 2013. Thus, we can organize the presentations. There will be an online presentation rehearsal taking place On 22 October 2013 at 14:00 (GMT+2)- 18:00 (GMT+2)
Full Paper Submission
The full paper submission date has been closed day by day. I would like to remind you that the deadline of the full paper submissions for review process is October 10, 2013. The Camera-ready submission for publication at November 15, 2013. This mean you should present your DRAFT paper at the conference and after the criticism during the conference you will have chance to make your last changes in the last version of your full paper and submit again until November 15, 2013.
Paper Poster Size:
The poster size is A0, equals 118 cm height x 84 cm length, or smaller. Please choose upright format and keep in mind that the font sizes should be big enough to allow your poster to be read from some distance. We suggest using a font size of 22 – 24 pt for texts and 60 – 70 pt for headings. You are kindly asked to bring your poster fully assembled and printed.
Session Chairman
If you want to be a Session Hall Chair in WCLTA-2013, please send an email to till 21 October 2013, 24:00 GMT+2. Conference Chairmen get certificates for this duty. Applicants must have at least PhD degree and speak English well.
Please visit these address to apply for registration ( and accommodation (
Bank Statements
On your arrival to the conference please do not forget to bring along with you your BANK STATEMENTS to show proof of your payments in order to be able to receive a receipt and not experience any inconveniences.
Weather Conditions
In order to be certain of the weather whilst your visit to Barcelona, Spain. It would be a good idea to check out this web-site: so that you can consider to take precautions during your journey in the touristic world of Barcelona.
Conference Venue
University of Barcelona, Faculty of Library and Information Science (near the Sants) Melcior de Palau, 140 08014, Barcelona, Spain
Best regards
Prof. Dr. Jesús García Laborda
President of the Conference

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