Last modified: 2024-10-29
Observation results show that Budong-Budong State Middle School students experience difficulties in writing poetry texts. Students have not been able to explore ideas and thoughts that can be expressed in the form of poetic texts. One of the factors causing students' difficulties in writing poetry is that teachers still use methods that do not make it easy for students to improve their poetry writing skills. This research aims to describe the implementation of learning by applying the chassis method, describing the results of learning to write poetry. This research is a quasi-experimental research with a pretest and posttest control group design involving 60 students of SMP Negeri 2 Budong-Budong. These students were divided into two groups, each consisting of 30 people, as a control and experimental class. The control class uses conventional methods while the experimental class uses the chassis method. Data collection was carried out using test instruments. Then the test results in the form of numbers are examined using descriptive analysis. The results of the research show that learning using the chassisaka method is able to improve the poetry writing ability of students at SMP Negeri 2 Budong-Budong. This is proven by the difference in average scores of 50.06 (low) and 80.33 (high) between the control group and the experimental group. Learning using the chassis method motivates students to explore ideas that can be expressed in the form of poetic texts. Based on these findings, learning using this method is recommended as a method for learning to write poetry.
Writing, Poetry Texts, Sasisaka Method